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Board of Management

TimeFull namePositionsYear of birthEducationSharesTime
12/31/2014Ông Nguyễn ThiChairman of BOD-N/a855,500N/A
Ông Châu Hoàng DũngCEO/Vice Chairman of BOD1956Bachelor of Political Economy520,245N/A
Ông Huỳnh TiếtMember of BOD-N/a287,245Independence
Ông Lâm Từ ThanhMember of BOD-N/a299,115Independence
Ông Tạ Kim HùngMember of BOD-N/aIndependence
Ông Đỗ Huy DầnDeputy CEO1962Bachelor of Business Administration/Bachelor of Economics34,720N/A
Ông Ngô Đức ThắngDeputy CEO1975Master of Business Administration11,135N/A
Bà Lê Thị NguyệtChief Accountant1964Bachelor of Finance/Bachelor of Economics35,320N/A
Ông Nguyễn Văn PhẩmChief of Supervisory Board-N/a9,720N/A
Bà Lại Thị Thanh PhươngMember of Supervisory Board-N/aIndependence
Bà Lê Thị ChínMember of Supervisory Board-N/aIndependence
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