VS-Sector: VS-Household


+1.39 (+0.42%)

Volume 8,215,515

Val. 166,605,155,000

Foreign Buy 635,400

Foreign Sell 396,000

NoStockExchangeIndustry (Level 3)Outstanding SharesPrice
1 day
5 days
1AATHOSECut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing70,819,1034,550 -110(-2.36%)5,110
2ADSHOSETextile and Fabric Finishing and Fabric Coating Mills73,394,72712,200 -300(-2.40%)13,550
3EVEHOSEApparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing41,979,77314,000 0(0%)14,200
4GDTHOSEHousehold and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing21,478,88225,500 -800(-3.04%)25,950
5GILHOSEApparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing69,999,28629,400 -1,600(-5.16%)34,700
6GMCHOSECut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing32,950,9998,910 -10(-0.11%)8,980
7HTGHOSETextile and Fabric Finishing and Fabric Coating Mills36,002,70832,000 -200(-0.62%)32,600
8KMRHOSETextile Furnishings Mills56,877,8073,420 +20(+0.59%)3,480
9MHLHNXOther Furniture Related Product Manufacturing5,288,6233,300 0(0%)3,300
10MSHHOSECut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing75,014,10042,200 +100(+0.24%)44,500
11NAVHOSEHousehold and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing7,999,98016,700 -100(-0.60%)16,850
12SAVHOSEHousehold and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing21,560,59415,150 -100(-0.66%)15,750
13SHAHOSEOther Furniture Related Product Manufacturing33,446,6754,400 0(0%)4,650
14STKHOSEFiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills95,136,92428,700 -100(-0.35%)31,450
15SVDHOSEFiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills27,605,9082,670 +10(+0.38%)2,570
16TCMHOSECut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing92,597,26444,200 +2,850(+6.89%)43,500
17TDTHNXCut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing23,896,5347,000 0(0%)7,100
18TETHNXApparel Knitting Mills5,702,94029,400 0(0%)29,400
19TNGHNXCut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing113,523,00219,700 -300(-1.50%)22,300
20TTFHOSEHousehold and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing393,532,4873,800 -50(-1.30%)4,150
21TVTHOSETextile and Fabric Finishing and Fabric Coating Mills21,000,00016,200 +100(+0.62%)16,800
22X20HNXCut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing17,250,00010,600 0(0%)10,300

Vietstock’s industry classification

Vietstock applied NAICS 2007 (The North American Industry Classification System) for industry classification because of its popularity, comprehension and logical order. In addition, it receives many supports from international organizations and bears a lot of similarities to Vietnam Standard Industrial Classification (VSIC 2007).

* Vietstock tổng hợp thông tin từ các nguồn đáng tin cậy vào thời điểm công bố cho mục đích cung cấp thông tin tham khảo. Vietstock không chịu trách nhiệm đối với bất kỳ kết quả nào từ việc sử dụng các thông tin này.